School Dinners
At Holy Trinity, we are fortunate to have a working kitchen on-site with a fantastic team of cooks.
Our meals are provided by Edwards & Ward Caterers. Please click for further information: Edwards & Ward. Meals are provided free of charge to all pupils in years R, 1 and 2 and at a cost to older children. Some older children are also entitled to a free meal depending on their family circumstances. If you would like to discuss free meals or any concerns you may have about allergens, special diets or the food your child is eating, please contact the school office. For KS2 children, please pay online via Mychildatschool
Any enquiries regarding free meal entitlement should be addressed to the school office or Bexley Council's Free School Meals Team:
Email: Bexley.freeschoolmeals@secure.capita.co.uk
Telephone: 01322 356019
A message from Edwards & Ward:
Food & Ingredients
We believe that it is important that our food looks good, tastes delicious and satisfies the children. Lunchtime is when the pupils can relax and socialise with a delicious meal that will keep them nourished and sustained throughout the afternoon. We are passionate about food and are here to help the pupils choose a balanced diet by creating attractive and nutritious menus and providing engaging information about how to eat healthily. We use the best ingredients from our suppliers to make your lunches that are cooked fresh every day in your kitchen.
The Menus
The focus of our menu development is on quality and variety; they are designed to be attractive and appetising. Understanding that eating habits change as we grow means we are constantly looking for ways to develop with your children. Having feedback from the pupils throughout their time at school is essential to help us understand their likes and dislikes whilst maintaining our focus on encouraging, educating and promoting our offer.
A planned calendar of events
Delivering tasty and nutritious lunches is what we do every day, but we also like to maintain interest for the pupils by working with the school to support their curriculum. Our event diary for the year is planned to ensure we can keep the children interested with themed lunches and tasting tables to help broaden their food horizons. During each term we will hold many events to keep lunchtime interesting for all the students. “talk like a pirate day” and “seasonal tasting table” these are just some of the fun days we have planned. Enrichment
We also help with enrichment activities in school through food demonstrations with parents and students and healthy eating work shops.
Please visit our website for more information: www.edwardsandward.co.uk
Available every day and made fresh in our kitchen we offer:
- A choice of meat/fish or vegetarian main meal
- Unlimited salad bar with eight delicious choices
- Jacket potato or pasta
- Two choices of unlimited freshly baked wholemeal bread
- Homemade dessert
- Fresh mixed fruit platter
Edwards & Ward Summer 2023 Menu - see bottom of page
Allergen information can be found on the Edwards and Ward website at http://www.edwardsandward.co.uk/
We would love to hear your feedback, please contact info@edwardsandward.co.uk
Packed Lunches
Children are encouraged to bring a healthy packed lunch in a named lunch box or bag. Whilst it is the parents/carers choice as to what they put in their children’s lunch box, we do encourage a healthy mix, and we do not allow children to eat sweets, full-sized chocolate bars or drink fizzy drinks as part of their lunch.
Getting ideas and inspiration for what to include in your child’s lunchbox can be a difficult task. Healthy eating is simply about getting a better balance and eating a wide variety of foods. All foods provide energy and nutrients, and it is achieving the correct intake of those nutrients that are important for health. Variety is the key to a healthy diet, so try not to offer the same foods on consecutive days. By including a broad range of different foods, a much wider variety of nutrients will be eaten. The ‘Healthier Lunchbox Checklist’ helps to explain what ‘a healthy mix’ means in terms of getting a well-balanced meal in a lunchbox.
Healthier Lunchbox Checklist:
- A good portion of starchy food: e.g. thick wholemeal bread, chapatti, pitta pocket, pasta or rice salad
- Plenty of fruit and vegetables: e.g. an apple, a satsuma, handful of cherry tomatoes or carrot sticks, mini-tub of fruit chunks or a small box of raisins
- A portion of milk or dairy food: e.g. individual cheese portion or pot of yoghurt
- A portion of lean meat, fish or alternative: e.g. ham, chicken, beef, tuna, egg, hummus or bean/lentil salad
- A drink: e.g fruit juice, milk or water.
Please note that we are a NUT FREE school, so please do not send any nuts or products containing nuts (such as peanut butter or cereal bars with nuts) into school with your child.
Here is some useful information on healthy lunches: - https://www.nhs.uk/change4life/recipes/healthier-lunchboxes
All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are eligible for Universal Infant Free School Meals. Any enquiries regarding free meal entitlement should be addressed to Bexley Council's Free School Meals Team:
Website: gov.uk/apply-free-school-meals gov.uk/apply-free-school-meals
Email: Bexley.freeschoolmeals@secure.capita.co.uk
Telephone: 01322 356019