Religious Education
HTL is a Church of England Primary School. As such, the teaching of RE is given significant importance. The Governors have adopted the Rochester Diocese Agreed Syllabus which is taught by class teachers from Reception to Year 6.
Religious Education at HTL is just that, education in religion. It is not religious instruction or an attempt to convert pupils. HTL follows the 'Understanding Christianity' scheme of work, a widely praised program which is essentially theology for primary aged children. Pupils study and critically explore core concepts within the faith such as creation, salvation, the gospels and the Kingdom of God through big questions. Children are taught higher-order skills such as questioning, evaluating and critically reviewing set in a context of understanding the whole Christian narrative. The scheme is modern, vibrant, highly academic and is widely enjoyed by pupils of all ages. Throughout the years, children also learn about all of the world's main religions to ensure that they are ready to be members of our diverse society.
To learn more about Church Life at HTL, please click on the "church life" icon at the top of the page.
At HTL we follow two core books which both capture our vision (Psalm 1:3) perfectly. The first, 'Strong' by Sally Lloyd-Jones and Jago, interprets the Bible Verse, Psalm 1:3, for children to be able to understand.
Our Second. 'The Dot' by Peter Reynolds helps us understand the positive impact we can have on the world and our community.
At HTL, we enhance and enrich our curriculum with an education in love, courage and wisdom to ensure that our pupils, Christian or not, are empathetic people, ready to take on the challenges of their generation as part of a local and global community.
Our School Vision:
“They are like trees planted by streams of water, which yield their fruit in due season, and their leaves do not wither. In all they do they prosper.” Psalm 1:3