Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
We appreciate that parents/carers who are new to our school will have questions and concerns.
Here are some answers to questions in relation to your child’s education, school timings, procedures and a variety of other topics. We won't have answered everything so if you are unable to find the information you are looking for please contact the school by telephone or email:
Telephone: 0208 300 3613
Email: contact@htl.bexley.sch.uk
Attendance and Timings
What are school opening and closing times?
Please click the link below which will take you to the current School Day Timetable.
What do I do if my child is late to school?
If your child is late for school, they must enter via the main school entrance and be signed in at the school office. They will receive a late mark. If your child will be late due to an appointment, please inform us in advance by either emailing absence@htl.org.uk or by calling the school office on 020 8300 3613. You will need to provide a copy of the appointment letter.
What do I do if I am going to be late collecting my child?
If you are going to be late collecting your child, please inform the school at your earliest opportunity on 020 8300 3613. We will notify the class teacher and your child will be informed. - no need for anything further i think, we can raise with the parent as it occurs.
Can I send someone else to pick up my child?
Yes, you can, we operate a password system, please share your password with the person collecting or create a temporary password to use for the day and then notify the school office on 020 8300 3613 or the alternative collection arrangements. This must be done before 2.30pm and the person collecting your child must know the password.
How do I report my child's absence from school?
Please call (020 8300 3613) or email (absence@htl.org.uk) the school office by 9.30am if your child will not be attending school and the reason for the absence. Please call on each day of absence.
Can I take my child on holiday during term time?
Regular attendance at school is an essential part of a child’s success and consequently a legal requirement of all parents. The Head Teacher has limited scope to authorise absences during term time under ‘exceptional circumstances’ only. While each application will be considered on merit and on a case by case basis, term-time holidays will not usually be authorised as typically, they do not constitute exceptional circumstances.
If you would like to make an application for an authorised term-time absence, you should write to the Head Teacher at least 2 weeks in advance where possible detailing the nature of the absence. Please take time to specify if it is not implicitly clear, what makes the request exceptional in order the right decision can be made. You will then receive a letter informing you of whether or not the absence will be granted as authorised or not. You are politely asked and encouraged not to absent your child under circumstances that have not been authorised.
The school seeks to support children in pursuing wider extra-curricular activities that enhance their character and readiness for life. The school sometimes receives requests for children to absent in order to take part in representative national or international sporting competitions or to undertake professional acting work. When considering such applications, the child's current attendance rate will be the main (although not only) factor in the decision to authorise the absence or not. Pupils will not typically be authorised to absent for such reasons when their attendance is less than 95%. This is in order to balance the broader development of the child and the importance of their formal schooling. Any parent who wishes to know their child's current attendance may ask at the school office.
Holy Trinity Lamorbey CE Primary School works closely with the Education Welfare Service to support and where necessary, challenge, parents who fail to ensure that their child attends school regularly. When a pupil’s term-time absences begin to impact on their overall attendance families will be referred to the Education Welfare Service and will be invited to an initial meeting with the Education Welfare Officer who will endeavour to provide support to the family that will help them in increasing their child’s attendance. If the necessary improvements are not made then the school will support the education Welfare Service in pursuing prosecution of the parents in question.
Health issues
What do I do if my child is prescribed medication?
If your child is prescribed medication, these should be administered at home if possible. However, we acknowledge that there are times when this is not possible and you should then complete a 'Short Term Request to Administer Medication Form' (include attached PDF version). Once completed, please submit the request to the school office together with the relevant medication for approval by the Head Teacher. Please note, medicines can only be administered at school if they are prescribed, provided in the original packaging that bears the child's name and the Short Term Request to Administer Medication Form has been submitted and approved.
What happens if my child has a medical/dental appointment?
We kindly request that non-urgent appointments are made outside of school times where possible although we understand that this is not always possible. If this situation arises, please inform the school office in advance by either emailing absence@htl.org.uk or by calling the school office on 020 8300 3613. You will need to provide a copy of the appointment letter.
How long before my child can return to school after an illness?
Your child can return to school as soon as they are well enough to do so. If your child has had sickness or diarrhoea, they can only return once 48hrs has passed since the last episode
What happens if my child has an accident at school?
Minor accidents such as bumps and grazes are dealt with at school by a trained first aider. If your child receives a bump to the head, they will be treated and monitored and a text will be sent to parents. They will also bring home a letter giving details. For visible bumps to the head, parents will be contacted by telephone. In the case of more serious injuries, the parent will be telephoned to collect the child with the recommendation to seek further medical treatment.
What do I do if my child has head lice?
If your child has head lice, they must be treated at home with the appropriate lotion/shampoo before they can return to school. Upon their return, the school must be notified so that parents of other children in the class are informed of an instance of head lice with the request to check their children. Confidentiality is adhered to at all times.
Can I park at the school?
Parents cannot park in the school as the car park is for staff use only. Should you need to drive to school, we kindly ask that you park safely, considerately and mindful of the parking restrictions in the surrounding area.
Can my child cycle to school?
HTL encourages pupils to walk/scoot/cycle to school and bike racks are on-site to use.