Our School
Transforming Lives ♦ Building Futures
At Holy Trinity Lamorbey our vision is that education has the power to transform lives and build extraordinary futures for all of our pupils. As a Church of England Primary School, we take as our inspiration Christ’s transformative love and its ability to build a meaningful and purposeful future for us with God.
We aspire to practice this transformation and renewal of minds by living in what we call ‘The Trinity Way’ and placing at the heart of our work, 3 Christian values of Love, Courage and Wisdom.
We work hard to place Love at the heart of everything we do. This is expressed most clearly in our desire and drive to ensure that the pupils have the very best opportunities, the very best teaching, the very best curriculum and the very best relationships they can possibly have at school. At the same time, Love for the good of others characterises every policy, every decision and every relationship between this school and all of our neighbours near and far.
We instil in all our pupils the virtue of Courage. We teach them to have the Courage to make the right choices, Courage to stand up for what is right and the Courage to take on a challenge. We teach them to have the Courage to take appropriate risks, the courage to ask for help and to have the courage to change the world. As a school, we seek in all things to be courageous leaders of education. Embracing change and innovating with constant restlessness in the pursuit of excellence.
Our final virtue and foundational principle is Wisdom. To use what we know well. At HTL it is not enough to simply acquire knowledge. We believe in teaching children how to think, to take what they know and apply it into new contexts and to solve challenging problems. We seek to make the familiar, unfamiliar. As a school, we look to be at the cutting edge of educational thinking and to use that knowledge purposefully to make a real and tangible difference in the lives of our pupils, this community and the wider world today and tomorrow.
Our Community
Holy Trinity Lamorbey CE Primary School encourages an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith. The school promotes Christian values which underpin the Christian identity of our school; reaffirms our ethos and celebrates the role that each child has to play within the community.
We follow the Church of England practice of worship. Prayers and responses, such as the Lord’s Prayer are known and used by pupils and we follow the Christian liturgical year.
We are conscious of our attachment to the parish Church of Holy Trinity Lamorbey, Sidcup.
Holy Trinity Church
1 Hurst Rd, Sidcup DA15 9AE
Holy Trinity Lamorbey Church Website