Parent Forum

This is where you can find all the information about Parent Forum

At HTL, we value open communication between our school, parents and carers.

The aim of our Parent Forum is to represent the collective voice of parents and carers in discussions with the school’s Governing Body and Leadership Team. It plays an active role in influencing, supporting and enhancing the learning environment at Holy Trinity. The Forum is made up of one parent / carer representative from each class. The Parent Forum meets once every half-term. Parent questions are submitted in advance by e-mail and form the Agenda for these meetings.  The Parent Forum welcomes feedback on any topic relating to school policies and practises. We will be looking for constructive feedback, with suggestions for improvements, new ideas and an endorsement of things that are working well.

Please note the Forum is not a channel for individual complaints, concerns or issues – these should be raised through your child’s class teacher or a member of the Senior Leadership Team.

Parent Forum Code of Conduct 2023 - 2024

  • I will raise issues in a professional and constructive manner. 
  • I will attend meetings half-termly and where this is not possible, will email Mr Winstone to notify of an absence. 
  • I will keep information about individuals confidential.
  • I will not use the role to raise my individual needs. 
  • I am happy for my personal email to be shared across the school. 


Please contact your child's class representative if you wish to raise a question. Our next meeting will be in the Spring term, and we will address all action points raised.