First Class Mass of the term

Year 1 prayed for farmers, those who are hungry, and our school.
On Wednesday, Father Mark welcomed us into Church with tales of his Christmas, and he congratulated us on our Christingle service.
Father Mark then gave us some clues to explain the theme of our service. He sang a verse from the hymn ‘Plough the fields’, showed a painting of a tractor, a plant that had begun to sprout and bought out a plough. We then learned about Plough Sunday, a day in church where a plough is blessed. Ploughing is done at this time of year, ahead of the sun warming up, ready for shoots to sprout.
Father Mark explained the purpose of a blessing and that blessing a plough would ask God to be on the people’s side, when crops begin to grow. Farmers are also blessed to support them during the cold days when they are growing our food.
Father Mark then read a Bible verse which explained that God provides food for birds. We are more important than birds, so we can trust that God will feed us. He then explained that Afghanistan are experiencing farming issues and need our prayers.